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Update for Residents | Oct. 9

CIS continues to prepare units for occupancy. Our teams have focused on units which were not severely damaged by flood waters (Parkers Walk building 8 and 9), so that we can get families back in their homes as soon as possible. Our team has cleaned out refrigerators and debris, as well as provided new filters and maintenance of utilities, including heat and cooling systems. CIS continues to hold high health and safety standards prior to having families move home. All units will be inspected and must pass City Health inspection prior to move in. We expect the first families to return next week.

The entire site remains a secured construction site. Due to the environmental remediation activity, it is not safe for individuals to be on site. We are addressing key life safety issues. Currently, there is no electrical or gas service; therefore, no lights or elevators. The upper floors have remained secured while lower floors are remediated.

CIS continues to make vacant units in our portfolio available to our impacted residents. These units are being offered as an option, and only if they work for your family. Please understand that if you have been offered a unit and have declined, there may be no other units available and you will need to continue to be housed in temporary locations, such as as a hotel, until your original unit is available for occupancy.

Section 8 vouchers continue to be processed for individuals who have been most affected and whose units were destroyed. In the event you or a family member have a severe health issue and temporary housing can not address your specific need, you may present a request for a reasonable accommodation and you will be placed on a waitlist should additional Section 8 vouchers become available.

Our resident service hotline continues to be available and dedicated to displaced residents.

Please call 1-888-604-1738. if you have questions and or concerns.

We are happy that over 150 residents have been successfully rehoused through vouchers or temporary apartments. We are happy families are returning this coming week, and we will continue to work hard to get every family back to their home.

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